Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ella & Max On Santa

Literally, on Santa, i.e. their Christmas requests while on the big guy's lap.

Ella: Oh Santa, surprise me!

Max: I want cars, big cars, lots of big cars!

(told you they were opposites, it is really quite comical at times)


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Guest Post: Max on Growing Up

Max: Mama, when I grow up I am going to get rid of my blankie. And stop sucking my thumb. And I am going to marry you. Oh, and I am going to get a BIG truck!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ella on Birds

Ella: Mama, did you know there are two types of birds that can hover?

Me: A

Ella: And a fisherking, or maybe its a kingfisher.

Ella on Santa

Ella to Santa upon his request for her list: Surprise me!